Goods Return & Refund

Before pick-up in-store or accepting good at the point of delivery from vendors or sales representatives, Customers are strongly advised to inspect, test and confirm that any goods/products paid for are in good working condition before leaving a Market Center NG store or accepting the product at the point of delivery. Once a product is delivered in good working condition, we offer a no refund, no return, and no replacement policy for all goods delivered and accepted in good condition by the customer.

Whereas a store on Market Center NG receives an order and fail to deliver after 5 days to the customer, the customer has to right to ask for refund despite whatsoever that could have caused the delay in delivery of the goods/products that customer paid. Tho it’s a subject the terms and conditions of every vendor or seller on Market Center NG.

Market Center NG will not be held liable for any fraudulent act, paid but not delivered, criminal acts carried out on the site by store owners/vendors.

Kindly report any issues or problems, if you notice any while shopping or doing business on this site to the email address provided below.

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