Millions Of Shoppers Can’t Wait To See
What You Have In Store


Join a marketplace where million of buyers around
the world shop for unique items

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Low Fees

It doesn’t take much to list your items
and once you make a sale, Market Center’s transaction fee is just 5%.
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Powerful Tools

Our tools and services make it easy
to manage, deliver, promote and grow your business, products & services.
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Support 24/7

Enjoy our 24/7 live support and chat services that make our response almost instant.
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Register and list your products

  • Register your business for free and create a product catalogue. Get free training on how to run your online business
  • Our Market Center support team will help you at every step and fully assist you in taking your business online
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Receive orders and sell your product

  • After signing up on Market Center Marketplace process to your dashboard, set up you shop step by step to start selling products, receiving orders and payments directly into you bank account. 
  • Our support team are always online to support you, answer your questions and possibly assist you in any way possible to grow your business, make money and become financially free
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Package and deliver with ease

  • Package and deliver your order with ease on market center Ng at very affordable rate, the cheapest you can get anywhere with our fast delivery services.
  • Ones an order is received and processed, our dispatchers are always ready to deliver at any location within Nigeria.
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Get payments and grow your business

  • get instant payment ones any product is purchase from your online shop, If you accept payments with paystack from customers, funds from paystack sales on Market Center NG will be deposited into your bank account.
  • We encourage sellers to use the bank transfer payment method or pay on delivery payment method to access payment from their customer to avert 3% fee from paystack.


Affordable, transparent, and secure

It doesn’t cost a thing to list up to 50 items a month, and you only pay after your stuff sells.
It’s just a small percent of the money you earn
Listing Fee
Final Value Fee

Here's what you get for your fee:

  • A worldwide community of more than 160 million shoppers.
  • Fast delivering with discounts anywhere in Nigeria
  • Seller protection and customer support to help you sell your stuff easily.
We process payments with Paystack, an external payments platform that allows you to process transactions with a variety of payment methods. Funds from Paystack sales on Market Center NG will be deposited directly into your bank account on request at anytime. There is no limit you can make withdrawal at anytime anywhere. We also accept bank transfer and Cash on delivery
Listing fees are billed for ₦500, so if your bank’s currency is not Naira, the amount in
your currency may vary based on changes in the exchange rate.


Some common questions about selling on Market Center NG

How do fees work on Market Center Ng?

Joining and starting a shop on Market Center Ng is free. There are three basic selling fees: a listing fee, a transaction fee, and a payment processing fee.

It costs ₦500 to publish a listing to the marketplace. A listing lasts for four months or until the item is sold. Once an item sells, there is a 5% transaction fee on the sale price (not including delivery costs). If you accept payments with Paystack, there is also a payment processing fee based on their fee structure which is 3%.

Listing fees are billed for ₦500, so if your bank’s currency is not in Naira, the amount may differ based on changes in the exchange rate.

What do I need to do to create a shop?

It’s easy to set up a shop on Market Center Ng. Create a Market Center account through the vendor registration page (if you don’t already have one), set your shop location and currency, choose a shop name, create a listing, set a payment method (how you want to be paid), and finally set a billing method (how you want to pay your Market Center fees).

How do I get paid?

If you accept payments with paystack, funds from paystack sales on Market Center NG will be deposited into your bank account. We encourage sellers to use the bank transfer payment method or pay on delivery method to access payment from their customer.

Do I need a credit or debit card to create a shop?

No, a credit or debit card is not required to create a shop. To be verified as a seller you have the choice to use either a credit card or to do bank transfer. You will not incur any charges until you open your shop and publish your listings.

What can I sell on Market Center NG?

Market Center NG provides a marketplace for vendors, entrepreneurs, SMEs and all level of businesses to sell, supply and deliver their goods, products & services to anyone who needs it.

Still have more questions? Feel free to contact us.

It's time to start making money.

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